Tuesday, 04/16/2013
The group Applied Research in Respiratory Diseases from IDIBAPS participates in 1 of the 50 most influential works of the last 10 years with Spanish participation
The international guideline entitled: Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines on the management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults, with 1032 citations, is among the 50 most cited articles of the last 10 years with Spanish participation. Prof. Antoni Torres is the national expert of this clinical guideline published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Tuesday, 03/19/2013
IDIBAPS Applied research in respiratory diseases is one of the Spanish groups with a higher impact factor in respiratory research
The number of articles published keeps growing and the impact factor has increased from 76.37 in 2008 to 160.66 in 2011
The group is within the top 10 research groups with higher Impact Factor of all IDIBAPS, the biomedical research center with a higher scientific production in Spain. It is also the most productive in terms of scientific articles in the CIBERES, the multi-institutional research network in respiratory diseases supported by the Spanish Government.
Sunday, 03/03/2013
Vanessa Díaz Ravetllat successfully defended her doctoral thesis: “Risk factors of postoperative nosocomial pneumonia after resection of bronchogenic carcinoma”
The public event was held on December 21st in the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Medicine
For her thesis Dr. Vanessa Díaz Ravetllat studied postoperative pneumonia cases and controls nested in a prospective cohort of 604 patients who had undergone surgery for bronchogenic carcinoma. The multivariate analysis identified three statistically significant independent risk factors for postoperative pneumonia.
Friday, 01/18/2013
Silvia Terraneo joins the Research Team
Her work will be focused on ventilator associated pneumonia and the animal experimental model
The latest incorporation at the research group is Silvia Terraneo, who holds a Degree in Medicine at the University of Milano. At the moment she is attending the specialization in the respiratory area at the University of Milan. Her role in our group will consist of helping in the ventilator associated pneumonia line of research, and in the animal experimental model line as well.
Thursday, 01/03/2013
Acute cough alone should not be a guide symptom for antibiotic prescription
It is the conclusion of a GRACE study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Acute uncomplicated lower-respiratory-tract infection is the most common acute illness managed in primary care in developed countries. Even in low-antibiotic-prescribing countries, most patients with these symptoms will receive antibiotics. The Lancet Infectious Diseases has published an article led by the GRACE consortium addressing this problem, with Dr. Antoni Torres among the authors.
Thursday, 12/13/2012
Francesca de Rosa joins the Research Team
Friday, 11/16/2012
Physiotherapist Victoria Alcaraz joins the research team
Saturday, 10/27/2012
IAMR group incorporates a research physician to work on Nosocomial Pneumonia clinical research and VAP animal model
Mariano Rinaudo comes from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina) to get experience as a researcher
The latest incorporation at the research group is Mariano Rinaudo, a reserach physician from Argentina with a Master degree by the University of Barcelona. His role in our group will focus on the clinical research lines on Nosocomial Pneumonia and basic research in the animal model of Pneumonia Associated with Mechanical Ventilation.
Friday, 10/05/2012
Long-term use of inhaled corticosteroids reduces the incidence of pleural effusion in patients with community acquired pneumonia
The results were presented at the American Thoracic 2012 International Conference
Prior treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in patients with respiratory disorders who develop community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is associated with a lower incidence and severity of parapneumonic effusion. That is the conclusion of a research funded by CIBERes and IDIBAPS led by Dr. Jacob Sellarés, MD, PhD, associate faculty member at the Hospital Clínic - IDIBAPS de Barcelona. The results were presented at the American Thoracic 2012 International Conference held in San Francisco on May, and were recently commented by the newspaper Diario Médico.
Friday, 09/14/2012
Adamantia Liapikou successfully defended her doctoral thesis: “Impact of guidelines of stratification of community and hospital acquired pneumonia severity and treatment”
The public event was held last July 13th in the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Medicine
Adamantia Liapikou is Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at the Sotiria Chest Diseases Hospital (Athens, Greece). Between July 2007 and July 2008 she collaborated with our Applied Research in Respiratory diseases group in IDIBAPS of Barcelona. The collaboration continued even after she travelled back to Greece, and now she successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Results were published on the high impact factor journal Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID), including an editorial.