Tuesday, 07/06/2021
The 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Our research group in the Congress
The 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID, will be held in July 9-12. Our researchers will participate in it with the following:
Anna Motos, MSc, will present for 10 minutes the Abstract number 3128 entitled: Incidence and characteristics of ventilator-associated pneumonia patients with COVID-19: a multi-center study. July 9th, 15.50h.
The poster of Ruben López. MSc, entilted: The most powerful hypervariable regions of 16S rRNA for taxa identififacion of sputum has been selected as a Highly Rated e-poster, he will be availbale for questions during 20 minutes. July July 9th, 9am.
Dr Alex Soriano will present an Oral Session the poster entilted: Impact on in-hospital mortality of ceftaroline versus standard of care in community-acquired pneumonia: a propensity matched analysis. July 10th, 17.15h. Dr Catia Cillóniz is one of the authors of this poster.
She has 2 e-poster available during the Congress entilted: “Sepsis in relation to lymphopenia in community-acquired pneumonia” and “The value of C-reactive protein-to-lymphocyte ratio in predicting the severity of SARS Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumònia”
Dr Laia Fernández-Barat has an e-poster entilted: “Identification of highly immunogenic epitopes in the SARS-COV-2 Spike protein to produce neutralizing monoclonal antibodies for treatment” available during the Congress.
Monday, 07/05/2021
Dr Victoria Alcaraz has received the ERS Young Scientist Sponsorship
Monday, 07/05/2021
Patrícia Oscanoa receives the ERS Young Scientist Sponsorhip by the ECCMID
Monday, 06/21/2021
Alba Soler joins the IAMR group as a research technician in the study "Human recombinant interferon gamma-1b for the prevention of hospital-acquired pneumonia in critically ill patients" - the PREV-HAP study.
Alba Soler holds a degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona since February 2021, mainly focused on molecular, cellular and systems biology. She enrolled the research group in July 2020 to perform her End of Grade Thesis entitled "Bacterial lung chassis for treating biofim-associated human respiratory infections", which obtained the highest scoring "Matrícula d'Honor" and was directed by Dr. Antoni Torres and Dr. Laia Fernandez-Barat. Now is under revision. Alba's End of Grade project is integrated in another project with competitive funding from La Caixa Health Research grants 2018 lead by Prof. Luis Serrano from Center from Genomic Regulation and Prof. Torres from IDIBAPS.
Additionally, during her research internship she has been actively participating in several projects of the group, entering data in the CIBERESUCICOVID study, learning how the microbiological analysis of respiratory samples works in various porcine animal model experiments and performing the microbiological and microbiome analysis of human endotracheal tubes.
From now on, she will also be in charge of the processing of respiratory fluid and blood samples (peripheral blood mononuclear cells, whole blood plasma) from patients progressively included in the PREV-HAP study. -
Friday, 06/04/2021
Award for the best Abstract
Friday, 05/07/2021
One year has passed since the start of 2 research projects on COVID-19
Wednesday, 05/05/2021
Pneumonia article published in Nature Reviews Disease Primers
Dr. Antoni Torres publishes in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Disease Primers
Dr. Antoni Torres publishes in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Disease Primers an article on Pneumology, entitled: Pneumonia. This is a recent review on pneumonia that can be considered as an article of great interest to any pulmonologist. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2021 Apr 8;7(1):25.
Nature Reviews Disease Primers is part of the Nature Reviews portfolio of journals and has an Impact Factor of 40,689.
Wednesday, 02/26/2020
Dr. Antoni Torres interviewed by TV3 news about the Coronavirus
As pulmonologist expert on respiratory infections and full professor at School of Medicine on respiratory diseases, he highlights what we need to know about the Covid-19
Dr. Antoni Torres' complete interview is available at TV3 website:
Tuesday, 02/25/2020
Dr. Roberto Cabrera awarded for the Best Poster at the 25th International Symposium on Infections in the Critically Ill Patients
The Symposium was held in Barcelona on Feruary 13-14 of 2020 at the School of Medicine (University of Barcelona)
International experts in the field of respiratory infections in the critically ill patients attended this interesting symposium organized by: Antonio Artigas, Jean Carlet, Ricard Ferrer, Michael Niederman and Antoni Torres.
Dr. Roberto Cabrera and col. (Cabrera R, Fernandez-Barat L, Motos A, Lopez-Aladid R, Vázquez N, Panigada M, Álvarez-Lerma F, López J, Muñoz L, Castro P, Vila J and Torres A) were awarded with the Best poster award: Molecular characterization of Staphylococcus aureus clinical strains from endotracheal tubes of patients with ICU-acquiered pneumonia, a work that has been recently accepted for publication in Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control.
Wednesday, 02/12/2020
Dr. Antoni Torres, awarded for research excellence " ICREA Acadèmia " 2019
Prof. Antoni Torres was recently honored by the ICREA Acadèmia 2019 Program for excellence in research in the area "Life & Medical Sciences".
ICREA Acadèmia is a program to support research exclusively for active teachers of public universities. The ICREA recognition involves a priority dedication to research for five years and provides the winner with an annual allowance to be preferentially allocated to research activities.