Investigació Aplicada en Malalties Respiratòries

Research team


Kasra kiarostami

PhD Fellow

Publications at PubMed

I am an Iranian Ph.D. candidate in Translational Medicine at the University of Barcelona, focusing on ventilator-associated pneumonia and biofilm research. I hold two M.Sc. degrees—one in Translational Medicine from the University of Barcelona and another in Parasitology for Veterinary Medicine from Azad University in Iran. Additionally, I have a B.Sc. in Laboratory Science for Veterinary Medicine and an Associate's Degree in Veterinary Medicine. My roles include working with animal models to study biofilm formation on medical devices like endotracheal tubes, using advanced microscopy techniques such as scanning electron and confocal microscopy to better understand biofilm behavior. In my pig model studies, I handle the preparation and care of the animal model throughout the research process. My thesis project is entilted "Efficacy of nebulized versus intravenous antibiotics on the endotracheal biofilm in a pneumonia porcine model".


My research aims to explore new treatments for pneumonia, particularly in the context of ventilator-associated infections and antibiotic resistance. I am involved in several collaborative studies focused on improving the diagnosis and treatment of re

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