Miquel Ferrer
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Medicine from the University of Barcelona. Specialist in respiratory medicine and leader of the research lines on noninvasive ventilation (NIV) and ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). He studies the efficacy of NIV in patients admitted to intensive care and intermediate respiratory care, and aspects relating to risk factors, outcome, prevention and treatment of VAP. He also collaborates on the CAP and ARDS-ALI lines of the group and takes part on different multicenter studies.
The NIV and VAP lines aim to answer questions such as whether it is possible to improve the outcome of mechanically ventilated patients using NIV, which patients with severe respiratory failure can benefit from NIV, whether it is possible to develop new measures to prevent VAP in intensive care, and which new treatments can improve the outcome of patients with VAP.
His research focuses on the efficacy of NIV in different clinical situations of severe respiratory failure, such as weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation or severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). At the same time, he studies the mechanisms associated with the development of VAP and response to different therapeutic agents, such as corticosteroids.
The results of his research on NIV have improved survival in intensive care for different types of patients. In future, these aspects will be studied in greater depth, together with an effort to find the best way to withdraw NIV after patient improvement. In terms of VAP, he implements different measures for the prevention and treatment of pneumonia in critical patients.
Nosocomial pneumonia in the intensive care unit acquired by mechanically ventilated versus nonventilated patients
Esperatti M, Ferrer M, Theessen A, Liapikou A, Valencia M, Saucedo LM, Zavala E, Welte T, Torres A
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Dec 15;182(12):1533-9.
Validation of the American Thoracic Society–Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit.
Ferrer M, Liapikou A, Valencia M, Esperatti M, Theessen A, Martinez JA, Mensa J, Torres A.
Clin Infect Dis 2010; 50: 945–952.
Treatment guidelines and outcomes of hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia
Torres A, Ferrer M, Badia JR.
Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Aug 1;51 Suppl 1:S48-53
Noninvasive ventilation in acute hypercapnic respiratory failure caused by obesity hypoventilation syndrome and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Carrillo A, Ferrer M, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Lopez-Martinez A, Llamas N, Alcazar M, Capilla L, Torres A.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Dec 15;186(12):1279-85
Association between systemic corticosteroids and outcomes of intensive care unit-acquired pneumonia.
Ranzani OT, Ferrer M, Esperatti M, Giunta V, Bassi GL, Carvalho CR, Torres A.
Crit Care Med. 2012 Sep;40(9):2552-61.
An In Vitro Study to Assess Determinant Features Associated With Fluid Sealing in the Design of Endotracheal Tube Cuffs and Exerted Tracheal Pressures*
Li Bassi G, Ranzani OT, Marti JD, Giunta V, Luque N, Isetta V, Ferrer M, Farre R, Pimentel GL, Torres A.
Crit Care Med. 2013 Feb;41(2):518-526.
Effects of Manual Rib Cage Compressions on Expiratory Flow and Mucus Clearance During Mechanical Ventilation.
Martí JD, Bassi GL, Rigol M, Saucedo L, Ranzani OT, Esperatti M, Luque N, Ferrer M, Vilaro J, Kolobow T, Torres A.
Crit Care Med. 2013 Jan 10.
Linezolid limits burden of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in biofilm of tracheal tubes.
Fernández-Barat L, Ferrer M, Sierra JM, Soy D, Guerrero L, Vila J, Li Bassi G, Cortadellas N, Martínez-Olondris P, Rigol M, Esperatti M, Luque N, Saucedo LM, Agustí C, Torres A.
Crit Care Med. 2012 Aug;40(8):2385-9.
Direct analysis of bacterial viability in endotracheal tube biofilm from a pig model of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia following antimicrobial therapy.
Fernández-Barat L, Li Bassi G, Ferrer M, Bosch A, Calvo M, Vila J, Gabarrús A, Martínez-Olondris P, Rigol M, Esperatti M, Luque N, Torres A.
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2012 Jul;65(2):309-17
Effects of duty cycle and positive end-expiratory pressure on mucus clearance during mechanical ventilation*.
Li Bassi G, Saucedo L, Marti JD, Rigol M, Esperatti M, Luque N, Ferrer M, Gabarrus A, Fernandez L, Kolobow T, Torres A.
Crit Care Med. 2012 Mar;40(3):895-902.
The results of his research on NIV have improved survival in intensive care for different types of patients