Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
- Study of microbial etiology and resistances of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
- Study of the inflammatory response and biomarkers of CAP for diagnosis and outcome
- Study of nonantibiotic therapy to reduce mortality of severe CAP
Projects in Progress
- Efficacy of intravenous corticosteroids in severe CAP Microbiology of CAP according to severity scores
- New inflammatory markers in CAP
- Epidemiology, inflammatory markers and outcomes of health care associated pneumonia (HCAP) in Spain
- Efficacy of (noncommercial) intravenous corticosteroids in severe CAP
Milestones Achieved
- Description of criteria for admission to ICU of patients with severe CAP
- Utility of biomarkers in CAP outcome
- Conceptualization of the lack of response to antibiotic therapy, implications for outcome and risk factors
Future Challenges
- Study of nonantibiotic therapies that modulate the inflammatory response and other routes in severe CAP
- Confirmation that HCAP are a different group of pneumonias from CAP
- Study of rapid diagnostic techniques for use in primary medicine in hospitalized patients
Adherence to guidelines’ empirical antibiotic recommendations and community-acquired pneumonia outcome
Dambrava P, Torres A, Vallès X, Mensa J, Marcos MA, Peñarroja G, Camps M, Estruch R, Sánchez M, Menéndez R and Niederman MS
Eur Respir J 2008; 32: 1–10
Current perspective of the HCAP problem: is it CAP or is it HAP?
Polverino E, Torres A.
Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Apr;30(2):239-48. Epub 2009 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 19296421.
Patients' characterization, hospital course and clinical outcomes in five Italian respiratory intensive care units.
Polverino E, Nava S, Ferrer M, Ceriana P, Clini E, Spada E, Zanotti E, Trianni L, Barbano L, Fracchia C, Balbi B, Vitacca M.
Intensive Care Med. 2010 Jan;36(1):137-42. Epub 2009 Sep 26.
Microbial aetiology of community-acquired pneumonia and its relation to severity
Cillóniz C, Ewig S, Polverino E, Marcos MA, Esquinas C, Gabarrús A, Mensa J, Torres A
Thorax. 2011 Jan 21.
Influenza pneumonia: a comparison between seasonal influenza virus and H1N1 pandemic.
Riquelme R, Torres A, Rioseco ML, Ewig S, Cillóniz C, Riquelme M, Inzunza C, Polverino E, Gomez Y, Marcos MA, Contreras C, Gabarrús A, Fasce R.
Eur Respir J. 2011 Jan 27.
Community acquired polymicrobial pneumonia in the intensive care unit: aetiology and prognosis
Cilloniz C, Ewig S, Ferrer M, Polverino E, Gabarrus A, Puig de la Bellacasa J, Mensa J, Torres A
Crit Care. 2011 Sep 14;15(5):R209.
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia: a 10 year single-centre experience
Polverino E, Dambrava P, Cillóniz C, Balasso V, Marcos MA, Esquinas C, Mensa J, Ewig S, Torres A.
Thorax. 2010 Apr;65(4):354-9.
Rethinking the concepts of community-acquired and health-care-associated pneumonia
Ewig S, Welte T, Chastre J, Torres A
Update in community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia 2009
Torres A, Rello J
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Apr 15;181(8):782-7.
Amoxicillin for acute lower-respiratory-tract infection in primary care when pneumonia is not suspected: a 12-country, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Little P, Stuart B, Moore M, Coenen S, Butler CC, Godycki-Cwirko M, Mierzecki A, Chlabicz S, Torres A, Almirall J, Davies M, Schaberg T, Mölstad S, Blasi F, De Sutter A, Kersnik J, Hupkova H, Touboul P, Hood K, Mullee M, O'Reilly G, Brugman C, Goossens H, Verheij T; on behalf of the GRACE consortium.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2013 Feb;13(2):123-129.
Lines list
- Animal Model
- Bronchiectasis non associated to Cystic Fibrosis (BQ-noFQ), Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and immune deficiencies
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
- Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Networks, European Projects and Collaborations
- Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV)
- Pulmonary complications in immunocompromised (IC) patients
- Translational research laboratory for advanced microbiology diagnosis and pathogen-host response in respiratory infections
- Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP)